Green Wednesday: BUNDLE BONANZA ⁃ T1 Bundle ⁃ 2 Oz of T1 flower + 14g of cured resin OR 14g resin carts ⁃ $180/oz for the flower ⁃ $20/cart/gram Total: $540 Fluid MAX Out⁃ 2.5oz of Fluid T1 flower for $400($160/oz) Unicorn Bundle ⁃ 2 ounces of T1 UT flower + 14g baller jar of UT resin: ⁃ $180/oz for the flower ⁃ $130 for the 14g of resin Total: $490 Flavor Bundle Max Out ⁃ 2oz of FF T1 Flower and 14g T2 Hash ⁃ $180/oz, $300 for the 14g of Tier 2 Hash (Bulk) Braveboat Maxout: $220/zip for the flower, free g of T2 hash
